수근관 증후군에서 임상양상척도 및 신경전기진단 결과와 정중신경 초음파 소견의 상관관계The Correlation between Ultrasonographic Findings of Median Nerve and Clinical Scale and Electrodiagnotic Data in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Other Titles
- The Correlation between Ultrasonographic Findings of Median Nerve and Clinical Scale and Electrodiagnotic Data in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Authors
- 이규호; 김세주; 윤준식; 박병규; 조정모; 정진석
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Publisher
- 대한임상신경생리학회
- Keywords
- Carpal tunnel syndrome; Ultrasonography; Electrodiagnosis; Clinical Scale
- Citation
- Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology, v.12, no.2, pp.55 - 60
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology
- Volume
- 12
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 55
- End Page
- 60
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/117731
- 2508-691X
- Abstract
- The aim of this study is to identify the correlation between ultrasonographic findings of median nerve and clinical scale and electrophysiologic data in carpal tunnel syndrome. Methods: Forty three patients (79 hands) with electrophysiologically confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome were evaluated. Clinical symptoms were examined by Historical-Objective (Hi-Ob) scale. Electrophysiologic data and Padua scale were used for severity of electrophysiology. In ultrasonographic study,cross sectional area and flattening ratio of median nerve were measured at distal wrist crease level (DWC), 1cm proximal to distal wrist crease level, and 1cm distal to distal wrist crease level. The correlation between Hi-Ob scale, electrophysiologic data and ultrasonography was measured with Spearman rank test. Results: The mean Hi-Ob scale was 2.4. Mean Padua scale was 4.0. In ultrasnonographic study, cross sectional area and flattening ratio were 0.112 cm2±0.025 and 3.0±0.6 at 1cm proximal to DWC level, 0.118±0.026 cm2 and 2.9±0.4 at DWC level, and 0.107±0.032 cm2 and 3.0±0.4 at 1 cm distal to DWC level. Hi-Ob scale was not correlated with cross sectional area and flattening ratio of median nerve. Hi-Ob scale was correlated with Padua scale positively (r=0.44) and correlated with amplitudes of CMAP and SNAP, negatively (r= -0.33; r= -0.30).
Cross sectional area of median nerve was significantly correlated with Padua scale, amplitudes and latencies of CMAP and amplitudes of SNAP. Conclusions: Ultrasonographic findings of median nerve and electrodiagnostic data had statistically significant correlation. Consequently, ultrasonography could be an adjunctive method in diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.
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