수입가격은 국내 시장 가격에 영향을 미치는가? -고추, 마늘, 돼지고기, 쇠고기를 중심으로-Causal Relationship between Import and Domestic Prices of Red Pepper, Garlic, Pork and Beef
- Other Titles
- Causal Relationship between Import and Domestic Prices of Red Pepper, Garlic, Pork and Beef
- Authors
- 안병일; 길수민
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Publisher
- 한국식품유통학회
- Keywords
- Granger Causality; Producer price; Wholesale price; SVAR
- Citation
- 식품유통연구, v.27, no.3, pp.97 - 115
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 식품유통연구
- Volume
- 27
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 97
- End Page
- 115
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/118145
- 1598-9925
- Abstract
- Using SVAR model, this paper empirically tests whether imported prices of red pepper, onion, pork and beef affect the domestic prices of these products. Estimation results indicate the imported prices of onion and garlic that are imported by TRQ has no significant causal relationship with the producer and wholesale prices. However, the imported price of pork which is imported with tariff is estimated to have very significant impacts on the domestic prices. Although beef is imported with tariff, the imported price of beef is estimated to have no causal relationship with domestic prices. This is likely to be caused by the big quality difference between the domestically-produced and imported beef and therefore the separation of the markets for those two products.
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Collections - College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology > Department of Food and Resource Economics > 1. Journal Articles
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