Energy and Latency Efficient Access of Wireless XML Stream
- Authors
- Park, Jun Pyo; Park, Chang-Sup; Chung, Yon Dohn
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Indexing; Query Processing; Wireless Technologies; XML
- Citation
- JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT, v.21, no.1, pp.58 - 79
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 21
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 58
- End Page
- 79
- 10.4018/jdm.2010112303
- 1063-8016
- Abstract
- In this article, we address the problem of delayed query processing raised by tree-based index structures in wireless broadcast environments, which increases the access time of mobile clients. We propose a novel distributed index structure and a clustering strategy for streaming XML data that enables energy and latency-efficient broadcasting of XML data. We first define the DIX node structure to implement a fully distributed index structure which contains the tag name, attributes, and text content of an element, as well as its corresponding indices. By exploiting the index information in the DIX node stream, a mobile client can access the stream with shorter latency. We also suggest a method of clustering DIX nodes in the stream, which can further enhance the performance of query processing in the mobile clients. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our approach is effective for wireless broadcasting of XML data and outperforms the previous methods.
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