치료 경험이 없는 HIV 감염자에서의 항바이러스제 일차 내성 분석: 한국HIV/AIDS 코호트 연구Primary Anti-retroviral Resistance in Treatment-naive HIV-infected Patients: A Korean HIV/AIDS Cohort Study
- Other Titles
- Primary Anti-retroviral Resistance in Treatment-naive HIV-infected Patients: A Korean HIV/AIDS Cohort Study
- Authors
- 송준영; 이진수; 정혜원; 최희정; 이진서; 이재갑; 엄중식; 정희진; 정문현; 김우주
- Issue Date
- 2009
- Publisher
- 대한감염학회
- Keywords
- HIV; Antiretroviral therapy; Drug resistance
- Citation
- Infection and Chemotherapy, v.41, no.4, pp.230 - 232
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Infection and Chemotherapy
- Volume
- 41
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 230
- End Page
- 232
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/121374
- 2093-2340
- Abstract
- Primary anti-retroviral resistance is considered one of the major problems of HIV treatment. Contrary to reports from western countries, prior Korean studies have reported a relatively low primary resistance rate (less than 5%). Based on Korean HIV/AIDS cohort data, we estimated the primary resistance rate among treatment-nave HIV- infected patients. According to the results, the primary resistance rate was higher (8.8%) than reported previously in Korean studies. However, the major PI mutation was not found.
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- Appears in
Collections - College of Medicine > Department of Medical Science > 1. Journal Articles
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