대형마트의 쌀 판매 특성 분석How Do Large Discount Stores Sell Rice?
- Other Titles
- How Do Large Discount Stores Sell Rice?
- Authors
- 양승룡; 임송택; 이춘수
- Issue Date
- 2009
- Keywords
- large discount store; rice; hedonic price model; Markov analysis; 대형마트; 쌀; 헤도닉 가격 모형; Markov 분석; large discount store; rice; hedonic price model; Markov analysis
- Citation
- 농촌경제, v.32, no.5, pp.17 - 43
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 농촌경제
- Volume
- 32
- Number
- 5
- Start Page
- 17
- End Page
- 43
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/121549
- 10.36464/jrd.2009.32.5.002
- 1229-8263
- Abstract
- This study uses a POS data to analyze how large discount stores sell rice. Specifically, we analyse how the prices and margins are determined across stores and brands. Both the purchase and sale prices in Hanaro Club are higher than those in other private stores, but with lower margins. Hanaro Club deals a larger number of brand than in other stores, giving RPCs more opportunity to market their brands. Smaller packages are sold at higher prices and margins and becomes an important marketing tool across all discount stores. The price discount strategies are revealed more effective in private stores than in Hanaro Club due to the higher price elasticities. A hedonic price analysis revealed that the organic and well-known brands are sold at premium, but this does not hold for the LOVE-MI, government endorsed brand. Despite lower prices of PB, it enjoys a higher margin than NB, which enables a dominant position of PB in the large discount stores in the near futures. The implications of the findings are discussed in the conclusion.
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Collections - College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology > Department of Food and Resource Economics > 1. Journal Articles
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