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Measurement of the ratios of the Z/gamma*+ >= n jet production cross sections to the total inclusive Z/gamma* cross section in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV

Abazov, V. M.Abbott, B.Abolins, M.Acharya, B. S.Adams, M.Adams, T.Agelou, M.Ahn, S. H.Ahsan, M.Alexeev, G. D.Alkhazov, G.Alton, A.Alverson, G.Alves, G. A.Anastasoaie, M.Andeen, T.Anderson, S.Andrieu, B.Anzelc, M. S.Arnoud, Y.Arov, M.Askew, A.Asman, B.Assis Jesus, A. C. S.Atramentov, O.Autermann, C.Avila, C.Ay, C.Badaud, F.Baden, A.Bagby, L.Baldin, B.Bandurin, D. V.Banerjee, P.Banerjee, S.Barberis, E.Bargassa, P.Baringer, P.Barnes, C.Barreto, J.Bartlett, J. F.Bassler, U.Bauer, D.Bean, A.Begalli, M.Begel, M.Belanger-Champagne, C.Bellantoni, L.Bellavance, A.Benitez, J. A.Beri, S. B.Bernardi, G.Bernhard, R.Berntzon, L.Bertram, I.Besancon, M.Beuselinck, R.Bezzubov, V. A.Bhat, P. C.Bhatnagar, V.Binder, M.Biscarat, C.Black, K. M.Blackler, I.Blazey, G.Blekman, F.Blessing, S.Bloch, D.Bloom, K.Blumenschein, U.Boehnlein, A.Boeriu, O.Bolton, T. A.Borissov, G.Bos, K.Bose, T.Brandt, A.Brock, R.Brooijmans, G.Bross, A.Brown, D.Buchanan, N. 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Issue Date
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.658, no.4, pp.112 - 119
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We present a study of events with Z bosons and associated jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron collider in p p collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV The data sample consists of nearly 14000 Z/gamma* -> e(+)e(-) candidates corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 0.4 fb(-1) collected with the D circle divide detector. Ratios of the Z/gamma*+ >= n jet cross sections to the total inclusive Z/gamma* cross section have been measured for n = 1-4 jets, and found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order QCD calculation and with a tree-level QCD prediction with parton shower simulation and hadronization. Published by Elsevier B.V
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