디지털 멀티미디어 방송의 선호 콘텐츠 및 타 매체 이용특성에 따른 이용의향 요인 분석Analysis of DMB Adoption Intentions According to Preferred Contents and Other Media Usage Characteristics
- Other Titles
- Analysis of DMB Adoption Intentions According to Preferred Contents and Other Media Usage Characteristics
- Authors
- 김동주; 신승도
- Issue Date
- 2008
- Publisher
- 한국경영과학회
- Keywords
- DMB Service; Adoption Intentions; Survey; Logit Model.
- Citation
- 경영과학, v.25, no.1, pp 123 - 138
- Pages
- 16
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 경영과학
- Volume
- 25
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 123
- End Page
- 138
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/124793
- 1225-1100
- Abstract
- Recently, DMB service markets experience a rapid change with terrestrial DMB test-broadcasting for the nation-wide coverage and paid interactive data broadcasting being offered utilizing TPEG and BIFS technologies. This warrants a reexamination of a consumers' adoption intentions for DMB service. This paper uses a survey data set to analyze DMB adoption intentions and the choice between terrestrial DMB and satellite DMB services according to preferred contents and other media usage characteristics. Empirical results show that consumer who prefer TV, music, and movie contents are more likely to adopt DMB service, whereas consumers with high intentions for HSDPA subscription are less likely to adopt DMB service. This implies that continuing development of killer application and the analysis of substitutes or complements of other media are crucial for the increase of DMB adoption intentions. It is found that the more consumers prefer sports, movies and entertainment/game and put higher values in the quality of the contents, the more likely they adopt satellite DMB service. Meanwhile, the more consumers prefer TV, drama and news contents, and are sensitive to the subscription fees, they are more likely to adopt terrestrial DMB service. Therefore, it seem that consumers' DMB adoption between terrestrial and satellite services is crucially related with types and characteristics of contents offered.
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Collections - College of Public Policy > Economic Policy in Division of Economics and Statistics > 1. Journal Articles
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