직관 마이크로채널 PCHE의 열전달특성 및 압력강하Heat Transfer Characteristics and Pressure Drop in Straight Microchannel of the Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers
- Other Titles
- Heat Transfer Characteristics and Pressure Drop in Straight Microchannel of the Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers
- Authors
- 이규정; 문정은; 최영종; 김윤호
- Issue Date
- 2008
- Publisher
- 대한기계학회
- Keywords
- 마이크로채널; 인쇄기판형 열교환기; 마이크로 포토에칭; 확산접합; Microchannel; Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger; Micro Photo-Etching; Diffusion Bonding
- Citation
- 대한기계학회논문집 B, v.32, no.12, pp 915 - 923
- Pages
- 9
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 대한기계학회논문집 B
- Volume
- 32
- Number
- 12
- Start Page
- 915
- End Page
- 923
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/124891
- 1226-4881
- Abstract
- The performance experiments for a microchannel printed circuit heat exchanger (PCHE) of high-performance and high-efficiency on the two technologies of micro photo-etching and diffusion bonding were performed in this study. The microchannel PCHE were experimentally investigated for Reynolds number in ranges of 100 ~ 700 under various flow conditions in the hot side and the cold side. The inlet temperatures of the hot side were conducted in range of 40oC ~ 50oC while that of the cold-side were fixed at 20oC. In the flow pattern, the counter flow was provided 6.8% and 10 ~ 15% higher average heat transfer rate and heat transfer performance than the parallel flow, respectively. The average heat transfer rate, heat transfer performance and pressure drop increases with increasing Reynolds number in all the experiment. The increasing of inlet temperature in the experiment range has not an effect on the heat transfer performance while the pressure drop decrease slightly with that of inlet temperature. The experimental correlations to the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop factor as a function of the Reynolds number have been suggested for the microchannel PCHE.
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