DC모터형 연료펌프를 이용한 연료공급방식별 LPG성상에 따른 LPi엔진 연소 및 배출가스 특성LPi Engine Combustion and Emission Characteristics Depending on LPG Properties from Various Fuel Supply Types by Using DC Motor Type Fuel Pump
- Other Titles
- LPi Engine Combustion and Emission Characteristics Depending on LPG Properties from Various Fuel Supply Types by Using DC Motor Type Fuel Pump
- Authors
- 박심수; 황인구; 명차리; 김주원
- Issue Date
- 2008
- Publisher
- 대한기계학회
- Keywords
- 액상분사; 터빈방식 연료펌프; 리턴 방식; 세미리턴 방식; 고속가스분석기; LPi; Turbine Type Fuel Pump; Return Fuel Delivery Control System; Semi-return Fuel Delivery Control System; FR-FID
- Citation
- 대한기계학회논문집 B, v.32, no.12, pp 907 - 914
- Pages
- 8
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 대한기계학회논문집 B
- Volume
- 32
- Number
- 12
- Start Page
- 907
- End Page
- 914
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/124994
- 1226-4881
- Abstract
- This study is mainly focused on the assessment of return, semi return, and returnless fuel supply system for an LPi engine. In order to compare the return type with returnless one with various LPG blends, combustion analysis and cyclic THC emission characteristic were tested at the part load operating condition of the LPi engine. Considering heat balance of each fuel supply systems, pressure and temperature increment of return type showed lower at the fuel rail during idle warm up operation. However, those of returnless type at LPG tank maintained stable and slow increment because the heat transfer from the LPi engine was minimized. Finally, hot restartability of each fuel supply systems were evaluated with the various LPG blends and fuel temperatures. As a result, semi return type has equivalent performance to return type considering combustion and emission characteristic, hot restartability performance for LPi engine.
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