메이지기(明治期) 일본의 한국교육 인식 변천(2)Transition in the Japanese Understanding of Korean Education in? Meiji Era(2)
- Other Titles
- Transition in the Japanese Understanding of Korean Education in? Meiji Era(2)
- Authors
- 한용진
- Issue Date
- 2006
- Publisher
- 한국교육사학회
- Keywords
- Meiji Era; Empire of Korea; Russo-Japanese War; assimilationism(同化主義); colonialism; assistance of Joseon(朝鮮扶植論); industrial education(實業敎育論); confucianism(儒敎主義); subjectional education(臣民敎育論); Meiji Era; Empire of Korea; Russo-Japanese War; assimilationism(同化主義); colonialism; assistance of Joseon(朝鮮扶植論); industrial education(實業敎育論); confucianism(儒敎主義); subjectional education(臣民敎育論)
- Citation
- 한국교육사학, v.28, no.1, pp.287 - 313
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국교육사학
- Volume
- 28
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 287
- End Page
- 313
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/125958
- 1225-1461
- Abstract
- Transition in the Japanese Understanding of Korean Education in Meiji Era(2)
By analysing Japanese magazines which had published during the 1904-1912, I would like to examine the transition of Japanese understanding about Korean education in Meiji Era. For this purpose, I investigated the opinion leader's insistences and understanding which was related to the Korean education.
In my analysis, I divided two period and sorted six types of insistences. During the period of superintendent and advisor(顧問政治期), we can see the assimilationism, the colonialism, and the assistance of Joseon. And during the period of deputy secretary(次官政治期), we can also find out the industrial education, the perfunctory confucianism, and the subjectional education. I figure out this six insistences and the transition of Japanese understanding about Korean education as follows(the number means the order of time);
educational position← anti-modern ← Common education - Industrial → Professional education →
education (Normal education) training (Higher education) the period of superintendent and advisor
(1904-1907.7)② Colonialism
- 竹越與三郞① Assimilationism
- 小山東助③ Assistance of Joseon
田中玄黃, 河村竹三郞the period of deputy secretary and colonialized
(1907.8-1912)④-2 Industrial education
- 深井弘(1909)④-1 Industrial education
- 靑木寬吉(1907)⑥ Subjectional education
- 釋尾旭邦⑤ Perfunctory Confucianism
- 喜田貞吉, 木場貞長, 三土忠造
[Figure 1] the transition of Japanese Understanding and the insistence
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