Reconstruction of defect on the nasal dorsum with modified bilateral rhombic flap
- Authors
- Choi, M.H.; Jeon, J.H.; Kim, Y.J.; Hwang, K.C.; Song, H.J.; Oh, C.H.; Yu, D.S.
- Issue Date
- 2006
- Keywords
- Defects on the nasal dorsum; Modified bilateral rhombic flap
- Citation
- Korean Journal of Dermatology, v.44, no.5, pp.608 - 611
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Korean Journal of Dermatology
- Volume
- 44
- Number
- 5
- Start Page
- 608
- End Page
- 611
- 0494-4739
- Abstract
- The skin over the nose is less mobile for primary closure of defects. In addition to skin graft and secondary intention healing, there are various local flap techniques and their modifications for the reconstruction of nasal defects. Imprecise engineering of wound repair methods and contracture can lead to twisting of the nose and distortion of surrounding anatomic structures such as the nasal ala and paranasal sulcus. The skin defects on the nasal dorsum were reconstructed with a modified bilateral rombic flap. In our case, there were no significant complications and the final result was satisfactory in both functional and cosmetic aspects. Through our experience, we can confirm that the modified bilateral rhombic flap can reconstruct defects on the center area of the nasal dorsum effectively and in a single stage.
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