Erythema ab igne associated with frequent bathing of feet in hot water
- Authors
- Kim, Y.J.; Choi, M.H.; Son, S.W.; Oh, C.H.; Song, H.J.
- Issue Date
- 2006
- Keywords
- Erythema ab igne; Feet-bathing
- Citation
- Korean Journal of Dermatology, v.44, no.5, pp 615 - 616
- Pages
- 2
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Korean Journal of Dermatology
- Volume
- 44
- Number
- 5
- Start Page
- 615
- End Page
- 616
- 0494-4739
- Abstract
- Erythema ab igne is a relatively uncommon skin lesion caused by chronic exposure to low levels of infrared heat from open fires or stoves, and is characterized by reticulated hyperpigmentation on the exposed skin. Recently, exposure to various 'new' heat sources, such as heated furniture, car heaters, or even laptop computers, has been reported to cause this condition. We present a case of 31-year-old Korean woman with reticulated hyperpigmentation on her feet, which had occurred due to bathing her feet in hot water on a daily basis.
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