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Transverse momentum dependent forward neutron single spin asymmetries in transversely polarized p plus p collisions at root s=200 GeV

Acharya, U. A.Aidala, C.Akiba, Y.Alfred, M.Andrieux, VApadula, N.Asano, H.Azmoun, B.Babintsev, VBandara, N. S.Barish, K. N.Bathe, S.Bazilevsky, A.Beaumier, M.Belmont, R.Berdnikov, A.Berdnikov, Y.Bichon, L.Blankenship, B.Blau, D. S.Bok, J. S.Borisov, VBrooks, M. L.Bryslawskyj, J.Bumazhnov, VCampbell, S.Roman, V. CanoaCervantes, R.Chi, C. Y.Chiu, M.Choi, I. J.Choi, J. B.Citron, Z.Connors, M.Corliss, R.Cronin, N.Csanad, M.Csorgo, T.Danley, T. W.Daugherity, M. S.David, G.DeBlasio, K.Dehmelt, K.Denisov, A.Deshpande, A.Desmond, E. J.Dion, A.Dixit, D.Do, J. H.Drees, A.Drees, K. A.Durham, J. M.Durum, A.Enokizono, A.En'yo, H.Esha, R.Esumi, S.Fadem, B.Fan, W.Feege, N.Fields, D. E.Finger, M.Finger, M., Jr.Firak, D.Fitzgerald, D.Fokin, S. L.Frantz, J. E.Franz, A.Frawley, A. D.Fukuda, Y.Gal, C.Gallus, P.Garg, P.Ge, H.Giles, M.Giordano, F.Goto, Y.Grau, N.Greene, S., VPerdekamp, M. GrosseGunji, T.Guragain, H.Hachiya, T.Haggerty, J. S.Hahn, K., IHamagaki, H.Hamilton, H. F.Han, S. Y.Hanks, J.Hasegawa, S.Haseler, T. O. S.He, X.Hemmick, T. K.Hill, J. C.Hill, K.Hodges, A.Hollis, R. S.Homma, K.Hong, B.Hoshino, T.Hotvedt, N.Huang, J.Huang, S.Imai, K.Inaba, M.Iordanova, A.Isenhower, D.Ivanishchev, D.Jacak, B., VJezghani, M.Ji, Z.Jiang, X.Johnson, B. M.Jouan, D.Jumper, D. S.Kang, J. H.Kapukchyan, D.Karthas, S.Kawall, D.Kazantsev, A., VKhachatryan, VKhanzadeev, A.Khatiwada, A.Kim, C.Kim, E-JKim, M.Kincses, D.Kingan, A.Kistenev, E.Klatsky, J.Kline, P.Koblesky, T.Kotov, D.Kudo, S.Kurgyis, B.Kurita, K.Kwon, Y.Lajoie, J. G.Larionova, D.Larionova, M.Lebedev, A.Lee, S.Lee, S. H.Leitch, M. J.Leung, Y. H.Lewis, N. A.Li, X.Lim, S. H.Liu, M. X.Loggins, V-RLokos, S.Lovasz, K.Lynch, D.Majoros, T.Makdisi, Y., IMakek, M.Manko, V., IMannel, E.McCumber, M.McGaughey, P. L.McGlinchey, D.McKinney, C.Mendoza, M.Metzger, W. J.Mignerey, A. C.Milov, A.Mishra, D. K.Mitchell, J. T.Mitrankov, IuMitsuka, G.Miyasaka, S.Mizuno, S.Mondal, M. M.Montuenga, P.Moon, T.Morrison, D. P.Morrow, S., IMulilo, B.Murakami, T.Murata, J.Nagai, K.Nagashima, K.Nagashima, T.Nagle, J. L.Nagy, M., INakagawa, INakano, K.Nattrass, C.Nelson, S.Niida, T.Nouicer, R.Novak, T.Novitzky, N.Nyanin, A. S.O'Brien, E.Ogilvie, C. A.Koop, J. D. OrjuelaOsborn, J. D.Oskarsson, A.Ottino, G. J.Ozawa, K.Pantuev, VPapavassiliou, VPark, J. S.Park, S.Pate, S. F.Patel, M.Peng, W.Perepelitsa, D., VPerera, G. D. N.Peressounko, D. YuPerezLara, C. E.Perry, J.Petti, R.Phipps, M.Pinkenburg, C.Pisani, R. P.Potekhin, M.Pun, A.Purschke, M. L.Radzevich, P., VRamasubramanian, N.Read, K. F.Reynolds, D.Riabov, VRiabov, Y.Richford, D.Rinn, T.Rolnick, S. D.Rosati, M.Rowan, Z.Runchey, J.Safonov, A. S.Sakaguchi, T.Sako, H.Samsonov, VSarsour, M.Sato, S.Schaefer, B.Schmoll, B. K.Sedgwick, K.Seidl, R.Sen, A.Seto, R.Sexton, A.Sharma, D.Sharma, D.Shein, IShibata, T-AShigaki, K.Shimomura, M.Shioya, T.Shukla, P.Sickles, A.Silva, C. L.Silvermyr, D.Singh, B. K.Singh, C. P.Singh, VSmith, K. L.Snowball, M.Soltz, R. A.Sondheim, W. E.Sorensen, S. P.Sourikova, I., VStankus, P. W.Stoll, S. P.Sugitate, T.Sukhanov, A.Sumita, T.Sun, J.Sun, X.Sun, Z.Sziklai, J.Tanida, K.Tannenbaum, M. J.Tarafdar, S.Tarnai, G.Tieulent, R.Timilsina, A.Todoroki, T.Tomasek, M.Towell, C. L.Towell, R. S.Tserruya, IUeda, Y.Ujvari, B.van Hecke, H. W.Velkovska, J.Virius, M.Vrba, V.Vukman, N.Wang, X. R.Watanabe, Y. S.Wong, C. P.Woody, C. L.Wu, Y.Xu, C.Xu, Q.Xue, L.Yalcin, S.Yamaguchi, Y. L.Yamamoto, H.Yanovich, A.Yoo, J. H.Yoon, IYu, H.Yushmanov, I. E.Zajc, W. A.Zelenski, A.Zhai, Y.Zharko, S.Zou, L.
Issue Date
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v.103, no.3
Journal Title
In 2015, the PHENIX collaboration has measured very forward (eta > 6.8) single spin asymmetries of inclusive neutrons in transversely polarized proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions at a center of mass energy of 200 GeV. A previous publication from this dataset concentrated on the nuclear dependence of such asymmetries. In this measurement the explicit transverse momentum dependence of inclusive neutron single spin asymmetries for proton-proton collisions is extracted using a bootstrapping unfolding technique on the transverse momenta. This explicit transverse momentum dependence will help improve the understanding of the mechanisms that create these asymmetries.
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College of Science > Department of Physics > 1. Journal Articles


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