Non-Profiled Deep Learning-Based Side-Channel Preprocessing With Autoencoders
- Authors
- Kwon, Donggeun; Kim, Heeseok; Hong, Seokhie
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Side-channel attacks; Deep learning; Performance evaluation; Noise reduction; Correlation; Training; Noise measurement; Autoencoder; side-channel attacks; non-profiled; preprocessing; cryptography
- Citation
- IEEE ACCESS, v.9, pp 57692 - 57703
- Pages
- 12
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 9
- Start Page
- 57692
- End Page
- 57703
- 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3072653
- 2169-3536
- Abstract
- In recent years, deep learning-based side-channel attacks have established their position as mainstream. However, most deep learning techniques for cryptanalysis mainly focused on classifying side-channel information in a profiled scenario where attackers can obtain a label of training data. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach with deep learning for improving side-channel attacks, especially in a non-profiling scenario. We also propose a new principle of training that trains an autoencoder through the noise from real data using noise-reduced labels. It notably diminishes the noise in measurements by modifying the autoencoder framework to the signal preprocessing. We present convincing comparisons on our custom dataset, captured from ChipWhisperer-Lite board, that demonstrate our approach outperforms conventional preprocessing methods such as principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis. Furthermore, we apply the proposed methodology to realign de-synchronized traces that applied hiding countermeasures, and we experimentally validate the performance of the proposal. Finally, we experimentally show that we can improve the performance of higher-order side-channel attacks by using the proposed technique with domain knowledge for masking countermeasures.
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Collections - Graduate School > Department of Cyber Security > 1. Journal Articles
- School of Cyber Security > Department of Information Security > 1. Journal Articles
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