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고이소 총독 시기(1942.5-1944.7) 조선총독부의 운영과 통치이념The Mangement and Ruling Ideology of Government-General of Korea during the Incumbency of Governor-General Koiso (May, 1942.5 to July, 1944)

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The Mangement and Ruling Ideology of Government-General of Korea during the Incumbency of Governor-General Koiso (May, 1942.5 to July, 1944)
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고이소 구니아키; 이마이즈미 데이스케; 국체본의; 도의조선; 지도자연성; 미소기; Koiso Kuniaki; Imaizumi Teisuke; Kokutai no Hongi; moral Joseon; leader training; Misogi
일본역사연구, no.52, pp.123 - 162
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In this paper, the personnel matters during the period of Governor-General Koiso dominated by Shintoist supporters of Kokutai-ron(discourse on national body) from the Ministry of Colonial Affairs and of Imaizumi, the reality of the comprehensive administrative power, and propaganda(Kokutai no Hongi, moral Joseon) were examined taking the changes in ‘the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere’ into consideration. The incumbency of Governor-General Koiso(1942.5-1944.7), who assumed the Governor-General of Joseon right after the announcement of the enforcement of the conscription order, was when the war situation became worse, and the correction of ‘the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere’ represented by Greater East Asia Conference and ‘Declaration of Great East Asia’ was tried in order to encourage the occupied areas to spontaneously cooperate in the war because the full-scale counterattack by the Allied Powers had been anticipated since the autumn of 1943. In addition, with the participation in the war of student soldiers, the implementation of conscription, severe delivery of foods, the mobilization of human and material resources such as conscription, and brutal exploitation in Joseon, the people of Joseon whose right to live were being threatened expressed their resistance and hostility toward the colonial rule. Koiso selected talented men who had been the former officials of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs, had personal connections with Imaizumi, or had been from Yamagata Prefecture, and assigned them the center of rule, and also in order to win over and conciliate Joseon officials in charge of the first line of wartime mobilization, he appointed some officials to the head office, and reformed the Gabong system. On the other hand, as the Japanese Government-General of Korea re-organized the administrative organizations and accepted the unitary control by the cabinet following the productivity boosting policies in order to simplify the administration of the cabinet, unify the administration inside and outside of Joseon, and strengthen the attitude to fight in Korea, ‘the distinctiveness of Joseon’ gradually decreased. Finally, when Shōwa Emperor and soldiers of Joseon objected political rights given as the price for the implementation of conscription, Koiso brought the thoroughness of Kokutai no Hongi and the foundation of moral Joseon, which had been affected by Imaizumi’s Shintoist Kokutai-ron(discourse on national body), to the forefront as the ruling ideology in order to suppress the resistance against the colonial rule and to reinforce wartime mobilization, As the ways to realize this, he established a leader training center, a science lab to investigate Joseon spirit, a special training center for young men of Joseon, a training center for young women and others, forced Shintoist cultivation and training represented by Misogi(禊), and made frantic efforts to implant the ideology of subjects and Tenno. However, the thoroughness of Kokutai no Hongi, the foundation of moral Joseon, a leader’s cultivation and training unilaterally proceeded by Koiso rather intensified many conflicts and resistance in Joseon society.
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