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고독과 혁명, 루쉰(魯迅)적 실존의 양상 — <孤獨者>論A Solitude and a Revolution, the Aspects of Lu Xun’s Existence: A Study on the Lu Xun’s Novel Guduzhe(孤獨者)

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A Solitude and a Revolution, the Aspects of Lu Xun’s Existence: A Study on the Lu Xun’s Novel Guduzhe(孤獨者)
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Lu Xun; Guduzhe(孤獨者); Controversy; Ontology; Solitude; Revolution
중국어문논총, no.96, pp.275 - 295
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The purpose of this paper is to examine the ontological aspects of Lu Xun through Guduzhe(孤獨者). Guduzhe describes the fateful solitude faced by an individual through the main character, Weiliansu(魏連殳), who has the will of social reform, and the narrator ‘I’, who invented the solitude that is the essence of life. It also describes the existential aspects of individuals who endure solitude like fate. As a result, the analysis of the work Guduzhe goes beyond the interpretation of the work to the interpretation of the author’s ontological fate. Weiliansu, a protagonist of Guduzhe, is frustrated with social change and ends his life as a military adviser. His death, which is like suicide, tells the reality of China’s modern intellectuals and the reality that Lu Xun faced. The narrator tracks the solitude of the reformer Weiliansu’s life in various ways through the narrator ‘I’. Weiliansu is an example of a figure isolated internally and externally in an uncertain world. We can find the typical human figure in Weiliansu who can not choose his own fate. The realization of the ideal is far from against the solid barrier symbolized by the S city. Individuals who have no choice but to be bound by such solid barriers for a living cannot choose their own destiny. The internal division of the individual who cannot be the master of destiny deepens and eventually leads to destruction. On the other hand, the speaker ‘I’, who participates in the education movement with the will of social reform like Weiliansu, also lives a lonely and destitute life. The speaker, ‘I’, is also rejected by the community and moves around to find work. The difference is that the speaker does not show dramatic changes like Weiliansu. The difference divides life and death. Weiliansu wants to leave a small snatch to his community through death. On the other hand, the speaker, ‘I’, tries to testify to the life and death of reformers such as Weiliansu. This paper deduces the ontological aspect of Lu Xun from the aspects of Wei Liansu and the speaker ‘I’. It is a form of “controversy(掙扎)”, which is the aspect of the persistent struggle of the narrator ‘I’ who wants to testify to the loneliness faced by modern intellectuals, the death caused by them, and the loneliness and death of modern intellectuals.
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College of Liberal Arts > Department of Chinese Language and Literature > 1. Journal Articles


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