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바스크와 쿠바의 공동체 운동에서 갈통의 문제와 비선형 다중공선성Garlton's Problem and Multicolinearity in Community Movements of Basque and Cuba

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Garlton's Problem and Multicolinearity in Community Movements of Basque and Cuba
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Garlton' s problem/ Multicolinearity/ Community movement/ Basque/ Cuba; 갈통의 문제/ 비선형 다중공선성/ 공동체 운동/ 바스크/ 쿠바; Garlton' s problem/ Multicolinearity/ Community movement/ Basque/ Cuba
스페인어문학, no.56, pp.439 - 471
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This study focuses on community movements caused by Garlton's problem and multicolinearity of Basque and Cuba, performing qualitative analysis for the generalization of community movements founded by alienated races of Basque and Cuba to verify exogenous replication of nationalism against quantitative analysis by regression assumption because of macro interaction effects of the independent variables among extrinsic or selection factors, that would be proved by exhausted survey based on ad hoc hypothesis assuming that collective movement is motivated by nationalism in spite of the needs to modify or to amend scepticism or negation against capitalism undergoing a process of changing political regime toward socialism. The contrastive-oriented cross-cultural comparison among those of countries mentioned above for the purpose of finding out strong resistance and solidarity against outer infiltration of political powers will examine the origin of community movements closely and minutely, such as: organic agricultural farms in Cuba, and cooperative complex of Mondragón in Basque. As the theoretical background this study takes alienation theory insisted by eminent social scientists and exogenous replication from the viewpoint of complexity science. The argument about exogenous replication of nationalism going through the process of the development of capitalism and the catastrophe of socialism is in favor of ad hoc hypothesis. And the mortoric sensation of the self-respect of the race that sometimes leads the people to spontaneous fascism or self-immersion caused by passion or coldness, on encountering with radical changes of society moved by special interest groups or the result of relative deprivation of the people who want to motivate special organizations initiated by the weak and warm- hearted clergy. They want to make for economic promotion and development consistently without outer interest groups as well as to take great advantage of it as an instrument of social revolution. For the purpose of solving Garlton's problem in social research this study limits the category within the community movements founded by alienated races of Basque and Cuba to verify the nationalism caused by interaction effects of the independent variables i.e. individuals formulated spontaneously in reasonable and complex interaction among nations for the heuristics of dependent variables namely, interaction of social average of the nationalism recycled convergently according to the association path of the people, from which this study grasps an important concept of the plausibility of the secure cases and the future of the community movements founded by alienated races of Basque and Cuba without any conceptual manipulation of independent variables on the process of the reinterpretation of time-series raw data by virtue of complexity science based on statistical regression analysis of positivism inclined on empirical methods to level up internal validity of the qualitative analysis about nationalism and to make heuristics without biased distortion of the clear point of an argument to intervene between two parties dealt with time-series raw data. The permanent Nash equilibria of the social order and the collectivization of the moral justice of the community movements purified by nationalism of the races above mentioned to get rid of profound conflict structure self-proliferated by free will of the collective movements towards self-similarity or self-organization of powerful institution among nations.
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College of Liberal Arts > Department of Spanish Language and Literature > 1. Journal Articles


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