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일제하 한지의 생산과 수출The Production and Export of Korean paper under the Japanese Imperialism

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The Production and Export of Korean paper under the Japanese Imperialism
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Korean paper; Production; Export; Western paper; Japanese paper; The imitations of Korean paper; Substitution materials; Export promotion policy; Wartime commodity; Korean paper; Production; Export; Western paper; Japanese paper; The imitations of Korean paper; Substitution materials; Export promotion policy; Wartime commodity; 한지; 생산; 수출; 양지; 화지; 한지 모조품; 대용원료; 전시물자
한국사연구, no.142, pp.337 - 366
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In 1910, the production of Korean paper soared sharply even though the Chosun Government General had not adopted any affirmative policy to encourage the industry of Korean paper. This was caused by the recovery of the production basis which had destroyed in the process of the Japanese occupation by force. In 1920s, there were several attempts to increase the production of Korean paper along with increasing the raw material or developing new product with new pulp wood. However, the production increasing policy was not successful with the lack of a sales network. In 1930s, various policies were put in operation to promote Korean paper. Korean paper company was built for the improvement of the quality and mass production. Substitution materials were used to secure the raw material and group workshops were built with the subsidies. Under social changes western paper and Japanese paper had occupied Chosun market. Yet, Korean paper still had held some amount of the total paper production. The production of Korean paper as well as western paper and Japanese paper increased through the developing of western paper industry, which was due to its own character of Korean paper. Korean paper had been rebuilding its life as an industry not lagging behind. The export of Korean paper in 1910s had maintained the status quo in the volume, but had increased in the amount of money. The imitations of Korean paper in China, the main export market, had a few effect the export to China in 1920s. However, the imitations were emerged as a serious obstacle of the export of Korean paper in 1920s with improved quality and low price. Moreover, there was an exclusion movement against Japanese goods, which affected directly the export of Korean paper. The establishment of Manchuria and the export promotion policy of Japanese Imperialism made the export of Chosun increase rapidly. However, the export of Korean paper had been below the level of 1920s except 1939, when Korean paper was appreciated as a wartime commodity. This could be a good illustration of the role of Chosun as a continent supply base and colonial character of Chosun economy.
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