좌업 생활 노인의 걷기 운동량에 따른 대사증후군과 대사 관련 요인 관계 분석Relation Analysis of Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolism-related Factors on the Walking Exercise Amount of the Elderly with Sedentary Life
- Other Titles
- Relation Analysis of Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolism-related Factors on the Walking Exercise Amount of the Elderly with Sedentary Life
- Authors
- 윤광한; 박종석; 김상호
- Issue Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- 한국사회체육학회
- Keywords
- sedentary life; metabolic syndrome; walking exercise amount; Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey
- Citation
- 한국사회체육학회지, no.87, pp 313 - 328
- Pages
- 16
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국사회체육학회지
- Number
- 87
- Start Page
- 313
- End Page
- 328
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/136590
- 10.51979/KSSLS.2022.01.87.313
- 1229-358X
- Abstract
- Purpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of the amount of walking exercise on metabolic syndrome and metabolism-related factors for the elderly with sedentary life using KNHNES data.
Method: The data were obtained from the KNHNES Ⅶ conducted in 2016~2108. The subjects, a total o f 4,288 elderly aged 65 years and older, were classified into tw ogroups based on habitual sedentary life tim e and three groups based on total walking exercise amount. The dta processor for this study was used as a percentage and standard error (SE) or mean (M) of all measured values, used chi-square test, generalized linear model, and logistic regression analysis.
Results: The results of this study are as follows. 1) The body mass dinex and waist circumference of the sedentary life group were significantly higher than those of teh normal group (p<.001). 2) The prevalence o f metabolic syndrome was significantly higher in the sedentary flei group than in the normal group (p<.001). 3) The difference of metabolism-related factors between the walking exercise amount groups in sedentary life was significantly higher in height, weight, total calorie intaek (p<.001), and HDL-C (p<.01). 4) The prevalenc e of metabolic syndrome in the walking exercise groups was significant (p<.05).
Conclusion: In summary, the findings in this study confirm that people with a sedentary life are more likely to have metabolic syndrome. The amount of high-intensity walking exercise and the amount of moderateintensity walking exercise in a sedentary life can prevent metabolic syndrome.
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