An experimental investigation of why-stripping in Korean
- Authors
- Kim, J.-S.; Lee, H.J.; Yoon, S.-H.; Lee, J.H.; Lee, J.Y.; Kwon, S.
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- Institute for the Study of Language and Information
- Keywords
- acceptability judgment; discourse marker; extra deletion; focus; processing; why-stripping
- Citation
- Linguistic Research, v.38, no.2, pp 271 - 299
- Pages
- 29
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Linguistic Research
- Volume
- 38
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 271
- End Page
- 299
- 10.17250/khisli.38.2.202106.004
- 1229-1374
- Abstract
- Kim, Jeong-Seok, Hye Jin Lee, Su-Hyuk Yoon, Jin Hyung Lee, Jee Young Lee, and Soohyun Kwon 2021. An experimental investigation of why-stripping in Korean. Linguistic Research 38(2): 271–299. The present study uses an acceptability judgment experiment designed to investigate whether the acceptability of Korean why-stripping is affected by (i) the polarity difference of the antecedent clause, (ii) the marker ani ‘not’ immediately preceding why, or (iii) the type (i.e., short-form or long-form) of negation in the antecedent clause. We propose that way ‘why’ in Korean why-stripping originates in CP and the non-wh remnant is a focus phrase associated with way ‘why’, following Yoshida et al.’s (2015) clausal ellipsis analysis of English why-stripping. Based on the experimental findings, we show that Korean why-stripping favors affirmative antecedent contexts over negative antecedent contexts, as expected from the processing perspective (Fischler et al. 1983; Herbert and Kübler 2011). We also show that the pre-why (i.e., clause-initial) ani ‘not’ in Korean why-stripping is not a negative marker but a discourse marker of conveying elements of surprise or disbelief (cf. Koo 2008). We further show that the type (i.e., short-form or long-form) of negation in the antecedent clause does not matter in why-stripping. In sum, we defend a grammar-plus-processing analysis of Korean why-stripping. (Korea University ·· Seoul National University) © 2021. All rights reserved.
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