High-Resolution and Low-Complexity Direction of Arrival Estimation for Hybrid Array of Subarraysopen access
- Authors
- Noh, Song; Song, Jiho; Lee, Junse; Yu, Heejung
- Issue Date
- 2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Direction-of-arrival estimation; Estimation; Array signal processing; Radio frequency; Training; Symbols; OFDM; Millimeter-wave; DoA estimation; hybrid beamforming; array of subarrays
- Citation
- IEEE ACCESS, v.10, pp 54922 - 54935
- Pages
- 14
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 10
- Start Page
- 54922
- End Page
- 54935
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/142319
- 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3175974
- 2169-3536
- Abstract
- In this paper, the problem of direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimation for a hybrid array of subarrays is considered in millimeter-wave communication systems. Unlike much prior work using the outputs from the analog subarrays with symbol-wise processing, the proposed framework jointly exploits multiple outputs in time domain for high-resolution DoA estimation. With block-wise processing, the proposed method designs an optimal hybrid combiner maximizing beamforming gain, while reducing a receiver complexity based on fast Fourier transform filtering for each blocked signal. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed, including estimation performance with a limited training signal, training overhead, and computational complexity. An extension of the proposed method to a uniform planar array case is also discussed. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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Collections - Graduate School > Department of Electronics and Information Engineering > 1. Journal Articles
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