Assessing identity formation via narratives
- Authors
- Park, Sun W.; Moon, Hyun
- Issue Date
- Jun-2022
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Narrative identity; Identity formation; Identity development; Psychological well-being; Identity status
- Citation
- CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY, v.41, no.6, pp 4066 - 4078
- Pages
- 13
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 41
- Number
- 6
- Start Page
- 4066
- End Page
- 4078
- 10.1007/s12144-020-00926-7
- 1046-1310
- Abstract
- Although narrative identity researchers have provided various ways of coding narratives, no previous studies aimed to assess identity formation. The present study aimed to fill this gap in the literature by developing a narrative coding system for identity formation. Young Korean adults completed several self-report measures and wrote a story explaining how they had become the persons they were. These narratives were then coded using our coding system. To test the validity of the coding system, we correlated the coded narratives with other variables. Variables that were positively related to identity formation were psychological well-being, self-concept clarity, exploration in breadth, exploration in depth, commitment making, identification with commitment, growth motivation, satisfaction of psychological needs, problem solving coping, social support seeking coping, and resilience. Variables that were negatively related to identity formation were depression, the importance of extrinsic relative to intrinsic values, and avoidance coping. Identity formation was not related to ruminative exploration.
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