Evaluation of NOx removal performance of foam composites with titanium dioxide and active carbon
- Authors
- Park, B.; Cheol, Choi Y.
- Issue Date
- Sep-2022
- Publisher
- Elsevier Ltd
- Keywords
- Activated carbon; Cementitious material; Foam composite; Microstructure; Nitrogen oxide removal; Titanium dioxide
- Citation
- Construction and Building Materials, v.348
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Construction and Building Materials
- Volume
- 348
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/146030
- 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.128646
- 0950-0618
- Abstract
- In this study, the nitrogen oxide (NOX) removal performances and micropore structures of foam composites with activated carbon (AC) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) powder were investigated. AC was used to increase the NOX removal efficiency through TiO2 powder by increasing the specific surface areas of the foam composites. The foam composites were fabricated with the replacement ratios of TiO2 powder and AC, as well as the specimen thickness and density, as variables. The NOX removal performance was evaluated according to the test method presented in ISO-22197. The specific surface area of the foam composite tended to increase with increasing AC content but decreased by AC content more than 15 %. The NOX removal efficiency was the highest when the AC replacement ratio was 15 %. The NOX removal efficiency improved as the replacement ratio of TiO2 powder increased but decreased as the density of the foam composite increased. The NOX removal efficiency was the highest when the thickness of the specimen was 20 mm and was greatly affected by the ultraviolet light intensity. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd
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