A Kinect-Based Segmentation of Touching-Pigs for Real-Time Monitoring
- Authors
- Ju, Miso; Choi, Younchang; Seo, Jihyun; Sa, Jaewon; Lee, Sungju; Chung, Yongwha; Park, Daihee
- Issue Date
- Jun-2018
- Publisher
- Keywords
- agriculture IT; computer vision; depth information; touching-objects segmentation; convolutional neural network; YOLO
- Citation
- SENSORS, v.18, no.6
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 18
- Number
- 6
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/75073
- 10.3390/s18061746
- 1424-8220
- Abstract
- Segmenting touching-pigs in real-time is an important issue for surveillance cameras intended for the 24-h tracking of individual pigs. However, methods to do so have not yet been reported. We particularly focus on the segmentation of touching-pigs in a crowded pig room with low-contrast images obtained using a Kinect depth sensor. We reduce the execution time by combining object detection techniques based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) with image processing techniques instead of applying time-consuming operations, such as optimization-based segmentation. We first apply the fastest CNN-based object detection technique (i.e., You Only Look Once, YOLO) to solve the separation problem for touching-pigs. If the quality of the YOLO output is not satisfied, then we try to find the possible boundary line between the touching-pigs by analyzing the shape. Our experimental results show that this method is effective to separate touching-pigs in terms of both accuracy (i.e., 91.96%) and execution time (i.e., real-time execution), even with low-contrast images obtained using a Kinect depth sensor.
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- Graduate School > Department of Computer and Information Science > 1. Journal Articles
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