Depth-Based Detection of Standing-Pigs in Moving Noise Environments
- Authors
- Kim, Jinseong; Chung, Yeonwoo; Choi, Younchang; Sa, Jaewon; Kim, Heegon; Chung, Yongwha; Park, Daihee; Kim, Hakjae
- Issue Date
- Dec-2017
- Publisher
- Keywords
- agriculture IT; computer vision; foreground detection; depth information; moving noise
- Citation
- SENSORS, v.17, no.12
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 17
- Number
- 12
- 10.3390/s17122757
- 1424-8220
- Abstract
- In a surveillance camera environment, the detection of standing-pigs in real-time is an important issue towards the final goal of 24-h tracking of individual pigs. In this study, we focus on depth-based detection of standing-pigs with "moving noises", which appear every night in a commercial pig farm, but have not been reported yet. We first apply a spatiotemporal interpolation technique to remove the moving noises occurring in the depth images. Then, we detect the standing-pigs by utilizing the undefined depth values around them. Our experimental results show that this method is effective for detecting standing-pigs at night, in terms of both cost-effectiveness (using a low-cost Kinect depth sensor) and accuracy (i.e., 94.47%), even with severe moving noises occluding up to half of an input depth image. Furthermore, without any time-consuming technique, the proposed method can be executed in real-time.
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- College of Science and Technology > Department of Computer Convergence Software > 1. Journal Articles
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