가학광산 주변 중금속 함유 토양입자의 이화학적·광물학적 특성연구Characterization of Mineralogical and Physicochemical Properties of Soils Contaminated with Metals at Gahak Mine
- Other Titles
- Characterization of Mineralogical and Physicochemical Properties of Soils Contaminated with Metals at Gahak Mine
- Authors
- 이충현; 이선용; 이영재; 박찬오; 김종원; 이상환; 박미정; 정문영
- Issue Date
- 2015
- Publisher
- 한국지하수토양환경학회
- Keywords
- Mineralogical properties; Contaminant speciation; Tailings; heavy metals; Soil contamination
- Citation
- 지하수토양환경, v.20, no.4, pp 83 - 89
- Pages
- 7
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 지하수토양환경
- Volume
- 20
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 83
- End Page
- 89
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/94893
- 1598-6438
- Abstract
- Soil samples collected in an area of Gahak Mine were investigated for the characterization of mineralogical and physicochemical properties of contaminants in soils. It is found that soils in the study area are contaminated by lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), in which their concentrations are 595.3 mg/kg, 184.9 mg/kg, 712.8 mg/kg, and 10.64 mg/kg, respectively. All the concentrations exceed the concern criteria of Korean standard. Upon distribution patterns of metals identified by the sequential extraction procedure, our results show that more than 50% of metals are found as a residual type, and 30% are accounted for the association of Fe/Mn oxides. Interestingly, XRD results show that minium (Pb3O4) and cuprite (Cu2O) are identified in the soil samples, suggesting that the sources of the contaminants for Pb and Cu are these minerals. In SEM images, tens of μm of Pb oxides and Pb silicate-minerals are observed. We, therefore, note that the contamination of metals in the study area results from the direct influx and disturbance of tailings. Our findings indicate that the characterization of physicochemical and mineralogical properties of contaminated soils is a critical factor and plays an important role in optimizing recovery treatments of soils contaminated in mine development areas.
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