Irrigation and Drainage

Journal Title

  • Irrigation and Drainage


  • E 1531-0361 | P 1531-0353 | 1531-0353 | 1531-0361


  • John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Wiley-Blackwell

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Irrigation and Drainage is the official journal of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). The objectives of the ICID are to advance the science and art of irrigation, drainage and flood management. Published five times a year, the Journal is a prestigious peer-reviewed publication and enables ICID to accomplish its objectives of publishing original papers on scientific, engineering, environmental and socio-economic issues associated with irrigation, drainage and flood management in a clear, concise and uniform style that is easily understood by an international audience. ICID has for sixty years, been the main forum for the global dissemination of experience and new ideas in the quest for the sustainable use and protection of water and land to meet the World's increasing demand for food and fibre. Human intervention in the control of water for sustainable agricultural development involves the application of technology and management approaches to: (i) provide the appropriate quantities of water when it is needed by the crops, (ii) prevent salinisation and water-logging of the root zone, (iii) protect land from flooding, and (iv) maximise the beneficial use of water by appropriate allocation, conservation and reuse. All this has to be achieved within a framework of economic, social and environmental constraints. The Journal, therefore, covers a wide range of subjects, advancement in which, through high quality papers in the Journal, will make a significant contribution to the enormous task of satisfying the needs of the world’s ever-increasing population. The Journal also publishes book reviews.

Article List

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