Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design

Journal Title

  • Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design


  • E 2041-3130 | P 0309-3247 | 0309-3247 | 2041-3130


  • Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd.

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research and authoritative reviews relating to any aspect of the measurement and analysis of strain at any scale. The Journal is interdisciplinary and seeks to publish innovative papers that describe analytical, experimental or numerical techniques for the measurement, analysis or interpretation of stress and strain; including the novel use of such data in understanding nature; in engineering decision-making and in the design of industrial processes, structural components, or systems. The following subject descriptions are provided for guidance and are not exhaustive: Analytical/ Numerical Methods Papers describing significant theoretical developments or those addressing advances in formulation and application of numerical methods such as the finite element, boundary element and meshless methods in order to understand and resolve industrial processes that are of current and future interest are welcomed. Papers should emphasize knowledge gained from analysis and modelling. Experimental Techniques Studies involving novel methods or the significant development of techniques in experimental mechanics for evaluating strain and associated quantities; and, or the application of such techniques to provide new insights into the mechanics or performance of structural components, engineering devices and systems. Materials Behaviour Studies in the mechanics of any material system (metal, polymer, ceramic, composite or other) at one or more length scales which provide insight and understanding in material properties and failure modes are welcome.

Article List

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