Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Journal Title

  • Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry


  • E 1879-1123 | P 1044-0305 | 1044-0305 | 1879-1123


  • Elsevier BV
  • Elsevier

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry is devoted mainly to the publication of research papers covering all aspects of mass spectrometry. Papers from all fields of scientific inquiry in which mass spectrometry can play a role will be considered. These fields include chemistry, physics, geology, and environmental science as well as the biological, health, and life sciences. Contributions must not have been published elsewhere. The journal is intended to be comprehensive, and its aim is to publish papers on both fundamentals and applications of mass spectrometry. Fundamental subjects include, but are not restricted to, instrumentation principles, design, and demonstration, structures and chemical properties of gas-phase ions, studies of thermodynamic properties, ion spectroscopy, chemical kinetics, mechanisms of ionization, theory of ion fragmentation, cluster ions, potential energy surfaces, and modeling. Papers that report on an application should have as a principal focus the use of mass spectrometry to solve a qualitative or quantitative problem. Application subjects include, but are not limited to, structural elucidation, biopolymer sequencing, development or validation of new methodology, proteomics, and environmental and forensic measurements. Papers describing computer applications will be considered, but details and compilations of programs will not be published. Both fundamental and applications papers should report new mass spectrometry science. A report of a routine application is likely to be better suited to a journal specializing in the subject of the application. For example, a paper describing the application of mass spectrometry to the structure determination of a set of natural products may be more appropriate for a natural products or organic chemistry journal In addition to full papers, the journal will publish Critical Insights, Communications, Comment and Reply, Application Notes, and Accounts and Perspectives. The aims of Critical Insights are to highlight topics of current interest in a thought-provoking way, to provide insider information that is often difficult to publish in regular articles, and to provoke response and debate. Critical Insights are usually invited by the associate editor for this section, but suggestions for contributions to this section should be sent to the associate editor. Communications are brief descriptions (four printed pages or less) of new and significant research. Purposes include establishing priority in a new area, announcing an important discovery or development, inter alia. Communications must contain some experimental or theoretical justification for the ideas being presented. It is usually expected that a Communication will be followed by a full paper. Short papers may also contain commentary on articles published by others in JASMS, in which case the authors of the article being discussed will be invited to reply. Those papers will be published as Comment and Reply. Application Notes (four printed pages) are brief descriptions of technical advances in sample handling, instrumentation, data processing, interpretation of spectra, etc., that will be of interest to some segment of the mass spectrometry community. Accounts and Perspectives are summaries of a body of research that is reasonably completed such that general conclusions can be drawn. The subject matter is to be of significant interest to the field of mass spectrometry. These articles may either feature the work of a single author or a team of researchers, focus on recent results of a timely subject, or bring perspective to historically important developments. This category may also include articles that describe a research philosophy, identify areas that need emphasis, or represent new directions. Although Account and Perspectives will typically be invited by the editor, proposals may be submitted in advance of preparing the article. The length of Accounts and Perspectives is to be negotiated with the editor. The American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) was formed in 1969 to promote and disseminate knowledge of mass spectrometry and allied topics. Membership includes over 7,500 scientists involved in research and development. Members come from academic, industrial and governmental laboratories. Their interests include advancement of techniques and instrumentation in mass spectrometry, as well as fundamental research in chemistry, geology, forensics, biological sciences and physics.

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