Stress and Health

Journal Title

  • Stress and Health


  • E 1532-3005 | P 1532-2998


  • John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Listed on(Coverage)

JCR 2001-2019
SJR 1999-2019
CiteScore 2011-2019
SCIE 2010-2021
CC 2016-2021
SSCI 2010-2021
A & HCI 2010
SCOPUS 2017-2020
MEDLINE 2016-2021
EMBASE 2016-2020


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Stress & Health provides an international forum for disseminating cutting-edge theoretical and empirical research that significantly advances understanding of the relationship between stress and health and well-being in humans. Despite the prevalence of stress in society, scientific conceptualizations of stress are less than 100 years old and there is much yet to learn regarding the causes, nature, and outcomes of stress, as well as the mechanisms for coping with such stress. The study of stress and health is inherently multidisciplinary in nature; therefore, the journal editors welcome contributions from researchers in fields as diverse as occupational and organizational psychology, health psychology, psychophysiology, and clinical medicine. Moreover, we particularly seek research that takes into account multiple levels of interacting systems ranging from the individual to dyadic, family, organizational, and societal factors. In addition to research that enhances our basic understanding of the nature, causes, and consequences of stress, the journal also highly values methodologically-sound intervention research that is solidly grounded in theory.

Article List

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