노인에서의 치매 관련 기능성 게임에 대한 요구도 조사A Study of Needs on Serious Game for Dementia in the Elderly
- Other Titles
- A Study of Needs on Serious Game for Dementia in the Elderly
- Authors
- 김지연; 정재범; 박문호; 박건우; 최문기
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Publisher
- 대한치매학회
- Keywords
- Dementia; Serious game; Acceptance; Needs; Dementia; Serious game; Acceptance; Needs
- Citation
- Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders(대한치매학회지), v.9, no.3, pp.82 - 87
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders(대한치매학회지)
- Volume
- 9
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 82
- End Page
- 87
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/117450
- 1738-1495
- Abstract
- Background: The characteristics and needs of potential users of the serious game for dementia have been poorly estimated. Methods: A total of 247 subjects (68.28±11.19 yr) were classified by attitude toward senile dementia. They responded to the questionnaire on the acceptance of the serious game and the needs for contents of the serious game. Results: The average rating of the acceptance of the serious game was 72.20. Among the types of attitudes,‘active & realistic (type 3)’ scored the highest (77.60), ‘idealistic & expectant (type 1)’ scored 71.80, and ‘aversive & defensive (type 2)’ scored the lowest (66.80) on the acceptance. In the case of the contents of the serious game, type 3 & type 1 scored higher ratings for the needs regarding all of 12 contents of the serious game. Among the 12 contents, type 3 showed the highest needs for the contents of cognitive functions, while type 1 showed the highest needs for the contents of emotion. Conclusions: These results suggest that potential users of the serious game for dementia are likely to be type 1 or type 3, and the contents and functions for the two types of potential users should be different.
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