Changes in chemical composition of Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) extract with alcohol extraction
- Authors
- Shin, K.-S.; Oh, S.H.; Kim, T.Y.; Yoon, B.; Park, S.S.; Suh, H.J.
- Issue Date
- 2008
- Keywords
- Extraction; Ginsenoside; Polyphenols; Red ginseng; Uronic acid
- Citation
- Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, v.13, no.3, pp 212 - 218
- Pages
- 7
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
- Volume
- 13
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 212
- End Page
- 218
- 10.3746/jfn.2008.13.3.212
- 1226-332X
- Abstract
- We extracted red ginseng with various alcohol concentrations and evaluated total carbohydrate, uronic acid, polyphenols compounds and ginsenoside contents, and yields of alcohol extract. The water extraction (0% alcohol extraction) showed a high level of total carbohydrate content. 10% and 20% alcohol extraction showed the highest uronic acid contents (7,978.8 and 7,872.7 μg/mL of extract, respectively). The efficiency order of the red ginseng extract (RGE) preparations in liberating polyphenols was: 0̃50% alcohol= 60% alcohol > 70̃90% alcohol. Solid contents in RGE were decreased with increased alcohol concentration; the same tendency as with the results of total carbohydrate content. Total ginsenoside contents in 20̃50% alcohol extracts showed similar levels (42,962.9̃47,930.8 μg/mL of extract). Water extraction showed the lowest ginsenoside content (14,509.4 μg/mL of extract). The ginsenoside contents at above 60% alcohol were decreased with increased alcohol concentration. Generally, ginsenoside (Rg2, Rg1, Rf, Re, Rd, Rb2, Rc and Rb1) contents were increased with increased alcohol concentrations. However, Rg3 content was decreased with increases in alcohol concentration. Copyright © 2007 KFN.
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