Analyzing Teacher Competency with TPACK for K-12 AI Education
- Authors
- Kim, Seonghun; Jang, Yeonju; Choi, Seongyune; Kim, Woojin; Jung, Heeseok; Kim, Soohwan; Kim, Hyeoncheol
- Issue Date
- 2021
- Publisher
- Keywords
- AI education; K-12; Curriculum; South Korea; Teacher competency; TPACK
- Citation
- KUNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ, v.35, no.2, pp 139 - 151
- Pages
- 13
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 35
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 139
- End Page
- 151
- 10.1007/s13218-021-00731-9
- 0933-1875
- Abstract
- As the need for teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 is increasing, discussions on what competencies teacher should have for effective teaching of AI is overlooked. In this work, we determine what teacher competencies are necessary for improving the teaching and learning of AI for K-12 with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. First, we identify current AI education resources and investigate the core foundations of AI taught to K-12. Based on the findings, we propose teacher competency for K-12 AI education by analyzing AI curricula and resources using the TPACK framework. We conclude that teachers who teach AI to K-12 students require TPACK to construct, prepare an environment, and facilitate project-based classes that solve problems using AI technologies.
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Collections - Graduate School > Department of Computer Science and Engineering > 1. Journal Articles

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