Low-Complexity and Low-Latency SVC Decoding Architecture Using Modified MAP-SP Algorithm
- Authors
- Hong, S.; Kam, D.; Yun, S.; Choe, J.; Lee, N.; Lee, Y.
- Issue Date
- 1-Apr-2022
- Publisher
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
- Keywords
- Compressive sensing; Parallel architecture; Subspace pursuit; Ultra reliable and low latency communications
- Citation
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, v.69, no.4, pp 1774 - 1787
- Pages
- 14
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
- Volume
- 69
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 1774
- End Page
- 1787
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/142085
- 10.1109/TCSI.2021.3136222
- 1549-8328
- Abstract
- The compressive sensing (CS) based sparse vector coding (SVC) method is one of the promising ways for the next-generation ultra-reliable and low-latency communications. In this paper, we present advanced algorithm-hardware co-optimization schemes for realizing a cost-effective SVC decoding architecture. The previous maximum a posteriori subspace pursuit (MAP-SP) algorithm is newly modified to relax the computational overheads by applying novel residual forwarding and LLR approximation schemes. A fully-pipelined parallel hardware is also developed to support the modified decoding algorithm, reducing the overall processing latency, especially at the support identification step. In addition, an advanced least-square-problem solver is presented by utilizing the parallel Cholesky decomposer design, further reducing the decoding latency with parallel updates of support values. The implementation results from a 22nm FinFET technology showed that the fully-optimized design is 9.6 times faster while improving the area efficiency by 12 times compared to the baseline realization. © 2004-2012 IEEE.
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