Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Journal Title

  • Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry


  • E 1618-2650 | P 1618-2642 | 1618-2650 | 1618-2642


  • Springer Verlag
  • Springer Nature

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry’s mission is the rapid publication of excellent and high-impact research articles on fundamental and applied topics of analytical and bioanalytical measurement science. Its scope is broad, and ranges from novel measurement platforms and their characterization to multidisciplinary approaches that effectively address important scientific problems. The Editors encourage submissions presenting innovative analytical research in concept, instrumentation, methods, and/or applications, including: /// mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, and electroanalysis; /// advanced separations; /// analytical strategies in “-omics” and imaging, bioanalysis, and sampling; /// miniaturized devices, medical diagnostics, sensors; /// analytical characterization of nano- and biomaterials; /// chemometrics and advanced data analysis. Applications should clearly highlight the novelty of the contribution and be presented with fit-for-purpose validation metrics. If applicable, each contribution should be compared to existing methods and/or include analysis of real world samples. The journal discourages submissions with limited analytical novelty or lacking a substantial impact on analytical and bioanalytical science. Papers that merely comprise data collections, based on the use of well-established analytical or bioanalytical methodologies, are also not acceptable. All submissions to the journal will be screened for plagiarism. The journal publishes Critical Reviews and Trend Articles, Research Papers, and Communications. All papers are subject to a strict peer review. Guided by peer reviews, the Editors select a number of exceptional papers for accelerated publication as ‘Papers in Forefront’. Also published are ABC Spotlights and Feature Articles on selected topics as well as Letters to the Editor as a medium of discussion and exchange of opinions. Additional features are ABC’s general-interest columns geared to the practical needs of modern analytical scientists (e.g. Analytical Challenge, ABCs of Education and Professional Development in Analytical Science). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry is a merger and also continuation of Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Analusis, Química Analítica, and Chemical Analysis/Chemia Analityczna. The journal is partly owned by major chemical societies: German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, GDCh), Chemical Society of France (Société Chimique de France, SCF), Spanish Society for Analytical Chemistry (Sociedad Española de Química Analítica, SEQA) and Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (Real Sociedad Española de Química, RSEQ), Austrian Society for Analytical Chemistry (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie, ASAC), Division of Analytical Sciences of the Swiss Chemical Society (Division Analytische Wissenschaften, Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft, DAS/SCS), Italian Chemical Society (Società Chimica Italiana, SCI), and Polish Chemical Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne, PTChem). This close relationship with multiple chemical societies ensures that the journal is exceptionally well-positioned to understand, anticipate and fulfill the needs of scientists in this multidisciplinary field.

Article List

1 - 18 out of 18 results.