해외 생산업체에 대한 국내 의류업체의 생산환경 및 근로기준 인식에 대한 질적 연구A Qualitative Study of Korean Clothing Companies' Perception of Production Environments and Labor Standards in Foreign Contract Manufacturers
- Other Titles
- A Qualitative Study of Korean Clothing Companies' Perception of Production Environments and Labor Standards in Foreign Contract Manufacturers
- Authors
- 홍경희; 이지수; 김영미; 이윤정; 양진옥
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Publisher
- 한국의류산업학회
- Keywords
- foreign contract manufacturers; production environments; quality control; labor standards
- Citation
- 한국의류산업학회지, v.12, no.3, pp 291 - 301
- Pages
- 11
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국의류산업학회지
- Volume
- 12
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 291
- End Page
- 301
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/118447
- 1229-2060
- Abstract
- Today Korean clothing companies are experiencing difficulties in the global market due to unfavorable business conditions including poor production environments, labor shortage, rising costs, the further opening of the domestic distribution market, and increased competition among them. As a result, this has caused many of Korean clothing companies to transfer their production bases abroad in search of relatively inexpensive labor force, instead of using domestic plants. This study attempted to examine how Korean clothing companies perceive production environments and labor standards with regard to their offshore outsourcing. In such an attempt, in-depth interviews were conducted with 24brand-name clothing firms. Those interviewed firms were the brands for the domestic or foreign market that were found to produce more than 200,000 pieces of clothing per year, and also the group of interviewees included some promotion service providers. The key findings from this study are as follows: First, a large number of the interviewed clothing companies were found to manage their foreign contract manufacturers by “visiting their factories regularly on a seasonal basis” or “stationing their personnel in factory for management purposes.” Second, in relation to quality control in their foreign manufacturers, the most frequent response was to “have personnel stationed in those manufacturers.” A smaller number of the clothing companies answered that they had “engaged their production management teams in quality control from time to time,” or “used their inspectors to inspect products.” Third, when asked about labor standards in foreign contract manufacturers, the largest number of the clothing companies responded, “we apply our own standards.” The results of this study suggest that most of domestic clothing companies still use offshore sourcing just as a means of reducing their initial labor costs. However, in the continuously changing environment of the global clothing industry, clothing businesses are required to escape from the early phases of their manufacturing environments and set up more globalized standards.
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