샵매니저를 위한 비주얼 머천다이징 수업에의 문제중심학습(PBL) 적용 사례 연구A Case Study on the Application of Visual merchandising (PBL) for Shop Manager
- Other Titles
- A Case Study on the Application of Visual merchandising (PBL) for Shop Manager
- Authors
- 이지수; 이윤정; 노혜균
- Issue Date
- 2018
- Publisher
- 대한가정학회
- Keywords
- problem-based learning; shop manager; reflective journal; self-assessment; learning satisfaction
- Citation
- Family and Environment Research, v.56, no.1, pp 71 - 84
- Pages
- 14
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Family and Environment Research
- Volume
- 56
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 71
- End Page
- 84
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/79167
- 10.6115/fer.2018.005
- 2288-3541
- Abstract
- This study presents a case of a visual merchandising course adopting a problem-based learning (PBL) model, as a part of shop manager training program for high school students. Various vocational training classes are actively developed for vocational high schools, yet programs in the home economics area are relatively lacking. In particular, education programs for shop manager training are urgently required due to the high demand of this job in the fashion industry. The PBL model, which reflects constructionist learning theory, is considered for this visual merchandising course in order to help develop the ability of students to creatively apply their knowledge on real-world problems through self-driven learning. For the purpose of job analysis, two problem areas were identified through interviews conducted with shop managers who work for apparel shops in department stores. Based on the results of the interviews, professors and high school teachers developed two PBL instructional modules. The developed module courses were implemented with 2 classes of vocational high school students. The learning outcome was examined through the analysis of a student survey and reflection journals. It was apparent that the PBL courses effectively attracted the interests of learners in vocational training and improved their understanding of the contents as well as cooperation skills. The results of this study indicate that implementing the PBL model for the training of store managers can contribute to the vocational training programs for high school students.
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Collections - College of Education > Department of Home Economics Education > 1. Journal Articles

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