Solid-State Electronics

Journal Title

  • Solid-State Electronics


  • E 1879-2405 | P 0038-1101 | 0038-1101 | 1879-2405


  • Pergamon Press Ltd.
  • Elsevier

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • It is the aim of this journal to bring together in one publication outstanding papers reporting new and original work in the following areas: (1) applications of solid-state physics and technology to electronics and optoelectronics, including theory and device design with appropriate experimental backup; (2) optical, electrical, morphological characterization techniques and parameter extraction with experimental application to real devices; (3) device fabrication and synthesis, including device-related new materials growth, electro-optical characterization and performance evaluation; (4) the physics and modeling of submicron and nanoscale microelectronic and optoelectronic devices, including processing, measurement, and performance evaluation; (5) modeling and simulation of solid-state devices and processes with appropriate experimental backup; (6) nanoscale electronic and optoelectronic devices for various applications, including photovoltaics, sensing, micro- and nano-mechanical (MEMS/NEMS) systems, quantum computation and communication. Important: Given the wide availability of TCAD simulation packages (Synopsys, Silvaco, etc.) device simulation papers should be coupled with experiment, revolutionary concepts or novel analytical approaches. Papers on materials growth and characterization should be relevant to a current or future device technology. Types of contributions: Original research papers, letters (intended for high-impact and high-quality short papers) and invited review papers (please contact the editors prior to submission). Solid-State Electronics does not publish notes or brief communications. Keywords: solid state electronics, field effect transistor, semiconductor (Si, SOI, Ge, III-V, 2D, etc.), nano-devices, new device concepts, fabrication, characterization, modeling, memories, high-voltage devices, photovoltaics, MEMS/NEMS

Article List

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